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Created by Guest
Created on Apr 30, 2024

Enhance performance, filtering, and insights within RMS.

We have tens of thousands of agents in our environment. With how big our environment is, there are many moving parts. It was recently discovered that majority of our agents were being blocked by a new firewall change. To confirm the issue with target machines, I had to load the entire agents page, filter via hostname, set the results per page to 100 agents, and click the "more" pages button 20+ times, and then click through near-by pages to find the agent I was searching for to confirm if it was connected or not.

A search feature would make troubleshooting this product far easier and pleasant. I would also like to see additional statistics on the "Agents" page like the counts of currently connected agents, offline agents, agents with 'X' version, etc. Useful information on agent records such as the last time the agent connected to the service, what boundary the device is currently associated with, and even what gateway they are connected to would be tremendously helpful.

Lastly, the "Agents" page loads every agent into a table within the browser upon load, which makes loading the page take a very long time. Sometimes it will even crash the browser. I would like to see only the data being displayed by the browser as the data the browser has to improve performance.

On the topic of RMS, Agents, and statistics, I would also like to have insight on how many Agents each Agent Gateway is currently supporting, plus some health statistics so we can identify issues before they become a problem.

I know these are big asks, but in a very large environment, these features are essential to use any tool on this scale.

Product Recast Management Server
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